Navigating Conversations Key Moments: Coaching Sellers for Success

In the dynamic world of sales, every interaction presents an opportunity to shape the trajectory of a deal.  In this webinar, we’ll delve into the pivotal moments that can make or break a deal, and how to coach your sellers to harness them to their advantage. From the initial contact to closing the deal, we’ll explore the strategic maneuvers and nuanced techniques that seasoned sales professionals employ to steer your sellers towards a successful outcome.

After attending this webinar, you should be able to:

-Recognize key moments within your seller’s deal cycle

-Equip your sellers with strategies to effectively harness pivotal moments

-Devise a 1:1 coaching plan with each seller focused on strategic decision making

-Embed the Conversations Scorecard into your 1:1 coaching process

This webinar is best suited for: Sales Managers & Enablement